- Keeps track of which [memory](kernel/src/memory/) is used and which memory is free, and can allocate memory for itself and [user programs](kernel/src/sys/mem.cpp).
- Can read, write and execute files from a [virtual file system](kernel/src/fs/) supporting an initial ramdisk, device pseudo-filesystems... but no hard disks yet.
- Preemptive multitasking, with a round-robin [scheduler](kernel/src/thread/) that can switch between tasks.
- Can [load ELF programs](kernel/src/sys/elf/) from the file system as userspace tasks.
- [System call](kernel/src/sys/) interface and [C Library](libs/libc/), aiming to be mostly POSIX-compatible.
- Some simple [userspace programs](apps/src/), written in C.
- Simple [command-line shell](apps/src/sh.c), allowing for interactive use of the system.
- Basic multi-user system with [a password file](initrd/etc/passwd) and utilities for [logging in](apps/src/session.c) and [switching users](apps/src/su.c).