A simple POSIX-based operating system for personal computers, written in C++. [](https://drone.cloudapio.eu/apio/Luna)
- Can [load ELF programs](kernel/src/binfmt/ELF.cpp), [shebang scripts](kernel/src/binfmt/Script.cpp) or [arbitrary binary formats](kernel/src/binfmt/BinaryFormat.h) (registered through kernel modules, which are not supported yet =D).
- An extensive set of [standard Unix utilities](apps/), from [ls](apps/ls.cpp) to [uname](apps/uname.cpp) to [base64](apps/base64.cpp). Written in modern C++ and very small amounts of code, using Luna's practical [OS library](libos/).
To build and run Luna, you will need to build a [cross-compiler](https://wiki.osdev.org/Why_do_I_need_a_Cross_Compiler) and cross-binutils for `x86_64-luna`.
If you have no toolchain set up, `run.sh` will build it automatically, which means that you don't necessarily have to run `setup.sh` manually since `run.sh` does it for you.
Yes! A ports system is in place, and you can use the build scripts to add some ports to your image. More information in the [Ports](ports/README.md) page.