#include #include #include #include #include #include #include Result luna_main(int argc, char** argv) { StringView pathname; bool show_all { false }; bool show_almost_all { false }; bool long_list { false }; os::ArgumentParser parser; parser.add_description("List files contained in a directory (defaults to '.', the current directory)"_sv); parser.add_system_program_info("ls"_sv); parser.add_positional_argument(pathname, "directory"_sv, "."_sv); parser.add_switch_argument(show_all, 'a', "all"_sv, "also list hidden files (whose filename begins with a dot)"_sv); parser.add_switch_argument(show_almost_all, 'A', "almost-all"_sv, "list all files except '.' and '..'"_sv); parser.add_switch_argument(long_list, 'l', ""_sv, "use a long listing format"_sv); parser.parse(argc, argv); Vector files; int dirfd = AT_FDCWD; SharedPtr dir; if (os::FileSystem::is_directory(pathname)) { dir = TRY(os::Directory::open(pathname)); dirfd = dir->fd(); auto filter = os::Directory::Filter::Hidden; if (show_almost_all) filter = os::Directory::Filter::ParentAndBase; else if (show_all) filter = os::Directory::Filter::None; files = TRY(dir->list(filter)); } else if (os::FileSystem::exists(pathname)) { auto str = TRY(String::from_string_view(pathname)); TRY(files.try_append(move(str))); } else return err(ENOENT); if (!long_list) { auto list = TRY(String::join(files, " "_sv)); os::println("%s", list.chars()); } else { for (const auto& file : files) { struct stat st; if (fstatat(dirfd, file.chars(), &st, 0) < 0) { perror(file.chars()); return 1; } os::println("%6o %u %4u %4u %10lu %s", st.st_mode, st.st_nlink, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, st.st_size, file.chars()); } } return 0; }