#include "sh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern shell_builtin_t builtin_cd; static HashMap s_builtins; using os::File; static Result> split_command_into_args(StringView cmd) { return cmd.split(" \n"_sv); } static Result execute_command(StringView command) { if (strcspn(command.chars(), " #") == 0) return {}; auto args = TRY(split_command_into_args(command)); if (args.size() < 1) exit(0); return os::Process::exec(args[0].view(), args.slice()); } static Result init_builtins() { s_builtins = {}; TRY(s_builtins.try_set("cd"_sv, builtin_cd)); return {}; } // Do nothing, but we need a handler so read() returns EINTR. static void sigint_handler(int) { } struct utsname g_sysinfo; const char* hostname = ""; const char* username = ""; char prompt_end = '$'; Result luna_main(int argc, char** argv) { StringView path; StringView command; SharedPtr input_file; os::ArgumentParser parser; parser.add_description("The Luna system's command shell."_sv); parser.add_system_program_info("sh"_sv); parser.add_positional_argument(path, "path"_sv, "-"_sv); parser.add_value_argument(command, 'c', "command"_sv, "execute a single command and then exit"_sv); parser.parse(argc, argv); if (!command.is_empty()) TRY(execute_command(command)); if (path == "-") { input_file = File::standard_input(); } else { input_file = TRY(File::open(path, File::ReadOnly)); input_file->set_close_on_exec(); } bool interactive = isatty(input_file->fd()); if (interactive) { // Set up everything to form a prompt. uname(&g_sysinfo); hostname = g_sysinfo.nodename; if (getuid() == 0) prompt_end = '#'; struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw) { username = pw->pw_name; } else { username = getenv("USER"); } endpwent(); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); tcsetpgrp(STDIN_FILENO, getpgid(0)); } init_builtins(); while (1) { if (interactive) { auto cwd = TRY(os::FileSystem::working_directory()); os::print("%s@%s:%s%c ", username, hostname, cwd.chars(), prompt_end); } auto maybe_cmd = input_file->read_line(); if (maybe_cmd.has_error()) { if (maybe_cmd.error() == EINTR) { os::println(""); continue; } return maybe_cmd.release_error(); } auto cmd = maybe_cmd.release_value(); if (cmd.is_empty()) { if (interactive) puts("exit"); break; } if (strspn(cmd.chars(), " \n") == cmd.length()) continue; if (strcspn(cmd.chars(), " #") == 0) continue; auto args = TRY(split_command_into_args(cmd.view())); if (args.size() < 1) continue; if (!strchr(args[0].chars(), '/')) { auto maybe_builtin = s_builtins.try_get(args[0].view()); if (maybe_builtin.has_value()) { auto builtin = maybe_builtin.value(); Vector argv; for (const auto& arg : args) { TRY(argv.try_append(arg.chars())); } TRY(argv.try_append(nullptr)); auto rc = builtin((int)args.size(), const_cast(argv.data())); if (rc.has_error()) { errno = rc.error(); perror(argv[0]); } continue; } } pid_t child = TRY(os::Process::fork()); if (child == 0) { if (interactive) { setpgid(0, 0); tcsetpgrp(input_file->fd(), getpid()); } TRY(os::Process::exec(args[0].view(), args.slice())); } int status; TRY(os::Process::wait(child, &status)); if (interactive) tcsetpgrp(input_file->fd(), getpgid(0)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { int sig = WTERMSIG(status); if (sig != SIGINT && sig != SIGQUIT) os::println("[sh] Process %d exited: %s", child, strsignal(sig)); else os::println(""); } } return 0; }