#include "Log.h" #include "arch/CPU.h" #include "arch/Serial.h" #include "arch/Timer.h" #include "video/TextConsole.h" #include static bool g_debug_enabled = true; static bool g_serial_enabled = true; static bool g_text_console_enabled = false; static constexpr u32 BLACK = 0xff000000; static constexpr u32 WHITE = 0xffffffff; static constexpr u32 YELLOW = 0xffffff00; static constexpr u32 RED = 0xffff0000; static char log_level_letters[] = { 'D', 'I', 'W', 'E' }; // D for debug, I for info, W for warning, E for error static const char* ansi_color_codes_per_log_level[] = { "37", "37", "33", "31" }; // 37 is white, 33 yellow, 31 red static void log_serial(LogLevel level, const char* format, va_list origin) { va_list ap; va_copy(ap, origin); Serial::printf("\x1b[%sm" "%c" "\x1b[0m ", ansi_color_codes_per_log_level[(int)level], log_level_letters[(int)level]); Serial::printf("%4zu.%.3zu ", Timer::ticks(), Timer::ticks_ms() - (Timer::ticks() * 1000)); // FIXME: We do this manually because of a lack of vprintf() in both Serial and TextConsole. pure_cstyle_format( format, [](char c, void*) { Serial::putchar((u8)c); }, nullptr, ap); Serial::putchar('\n'); va_end(ap); } static void log_text_console(LogLevel level, const char* format, va_list origin) { va_list ap; va_copy(ap, origin); const u32 original_foreground = TextConsole::foreground(); const u32 original_background = TextConsole::background(); TextConsole::set_background(BLACK); if (level == LogLevel::Warn) TextConsole::set_foreground(YELLOW); else if (level == LogLevel::Error) TextConsole::set_foreground(RED); else TextConsole::set_foreground(WHITE); // FIXME: Same as above. auto rc = cstyle_format( format, [](char c, void*) -> Result { return TextConsole::putchar(c); }, nullptr, ap); if (rc.has_error()) { TextConsole::wprint(L"Invalid UTF-8 in log message"); } TextConsole::putwchar(L'\n'); TextConsole::set_background(original_background); TextConsole::set_foreground(original_foreground); va_end(ap); } void vlog(LogLevel level, const char* format, va_list ap) { if (!g_debug_enabled && level == LogLevel::Debug) return; if (g_serial_enabled) log_serial(level, format, ap); if (g_text_console_enabled) log_text_console(level, format, ap); } void log(LogLevel level, const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vlog(level, format, ap); va_end(ap); } void setup_log(bool enable_debug, bool enable_serial, bool enable_text_console) { g_debug_enabled = enable_debug; g_serial_enabled = enable_serial; g_text_console_enabled = enable_text_console; } bool log_debug_enabled() { return g_debug_enabled; } bool log_serial_enabled() { return g_serial_enabled; } bool log_text_console_enabled() { return g_text_console_enabled; } static bool g_check_already_failed = false; [[noreturn]] bool __check_failed(const char* file, const char* line, const char* func, const char* expr) { CPU::disable_interrupts(); if (!g_check_already_failed) { // Avoid endlessly failing when trying to report a failed check. g_check_already_failed = true; kerrorln("ERROR: Check failed at %s:%s, in %s: %s", file, line, func, expr); CPU::print_stack_trace(); } CPU::efficient_halt(); }