#include "arch/CPU.h" #include "arch/MMU.h" #include "arch/Serial.h" #include "arch/Timer.h" #include "boot/Init.h" #include "memory/Heap.h" #include "memory/MemoryManager.h" #include "video/Framebuffer.h" extern u8 fb[1]; extern "C" [[noreturn]] void _start() { Init::check_magic(); Init::early_init(); Serial::println("Hello, world!"); Serial::printf("Current platform: %s\n", CPU::platform_string()); Framebuffer::rect(0, 0, 200, 200, 0xFF00FF00); auto cpu_name_or_error = CPU::identify(); Serial::println(cpu_name_or_error.has_error() ? "Unable to determine CPU name" : cpu_name_or_error.release_value()); Serial::println(MMU::get_physical((u64)fb).has_error() ? "fb is not mapped" : "fb is mapped!!"); const u64 address = 0xfffffffff8000000; Serial::printf("Mapping address 0x%lx\n", address); u64 physical = MemoryManager::alloc_frame().release_value(); Serial::printf("Allocated physical frame %#lx\n", physical); auto rc = MMU::map(address, physical, MMU::ReadWrite); bool success = !rc.has_error(); int flags; volatile u8* ptr; if (success) Serial::println("Mapped page :)"); else { Serial::println("Failed to map page"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } if (MMU::get_physical(address).release_value() == physical) Serial::println("Mapping is active ;)"); else { Serial::println("Mapping is not active"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } flags = MMU::get_flags(address).release_value(); if (flags & MMU::ReadWrite) Serial::println("Mapping is writable"); if (flags & MMU::User) Serial::println("Mapping is user accessible"); auto rrc = MMU::remap(address, MMU::ReadWrite | MMU::User); if (rrc.has_error()) { Serial::println("Failed to change flags of mapping"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } flags = MMU::get_flags(address).release_value(); if (flags & MMU::ReadWrite) Serial::println("Mapping is now writable"); if (flags & MMU::User) Serial::println("Mapping is now user accessible"); ptr = (volatile u8*)address; *ptr = 8; Serial::println("Can write to pointer"); auto urc = MMU::unmap(address); if (urc.has_error()) { Serial::println("Failed to unmap page"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } Serial::printf("Unmapped page, was pointing to %#lx\n", urc.value()); if (urc.release_value() != physical) { Serial::println("unmap returned a different address than the one we mapped"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } Serial::println("Successfully unmapped address"); Timer::init(); CPU::platform_finish_init(); CPU::enable_interrupts(); usize start = 0; int* mem = make().release_value(); *(volatile int*)mem = 6; Serial::printf("Read %d from memory\n", *mem); mem = (int*)krealloc(mem, 60).release_value(); Serial::printf("Resized to %p\n", (void*)mem); destroy(mem).release_value(); while (1) { while ((Timer::ticks_ms() - start) < 20) { CPU::wait_for_interrupt(); } start = Timer::ticks_ms(); Serial::printf("%8zu milliseconds have passed!\n", start); } CPU::efficient_halt(); }