apio 04d074538f
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
ls: Don't do caching now that password/group file reading is more reasonable
2023-05-20 22:10:01 +02:00

103 lines
3.4 KiB

#include <grp.h>
#include <luna/Units.h>
#include <os/ArgumentParser.h>
#include <os/Directory.h>
#include <os/File.h>
#include <os/FileSystem.h>
#include <pwd.h>
void find_user_and_group(struct stat& st, StringView& owner, StringView& group)
auto* pw = getpwuid(st.st_uid);
if (!pw) owner = "???";
owner = pw->pw_name;
auto* grp = getgrgid(st.st_gid);
if (!grp) group = "???";
group = grp->gr_name;
Result<int> luna_main(int argc, char** argv)
StringView pathname;
bool show_all { false };
bool show_almost_all { false };
bool long_list { false };
bool human_readable { false };
bool si { false };
bool follow_symlink_args { false };
os::ArgumentParser parser;
parser.add_description("List files contained in a directory (defaults to '.', the current directory)"_sv);
parser.add_positional_argument(pathname, "directory"_sv, "."_sv);
parser.add_switch_argument(show_all, 'a', "all"_sv, "also list hidden files (whose filename begins with a dot)"_sv);
parser.add_switch_argument(show_almost_all, 'A', "almost-all"_sv, "list all files except '.' and '..'"_sv);
parser.add_switch_argument(long_list, 'l', ""_sv, "use a long listing format"_sv);
parser.add_switch_argument(human_readable, 'h', "human-readable"_sv,
"with -l, show human-readable sizes e.g. 2KiB, 6GiB"_sv);
parser.add_switch_argument(si, ' ', "si"_sv, "same as -h, but show sizes in powers of 10"_sv);
parser.add_switch_argument(follow_symlink_args, 'H', "dereference-args"_sv,
"follow symbolic links listed as arguments"_sv);
parser.parse(argc, argv);
Vector<String> files;
int dirfd = AT_FDCWD;
SharedPtr<os::Directory> dir;
if (os::FileSystem::is_directory(pathname, follow_symlink_args))
dir = TRY(os::Directory::open(pathname));
dirfd = dir->fd();
auto filter = os::Directory::Filter::Hidden;
if (show_almost_all) filter = os::Directory::Filter::ParentAndBase;
else if (show_all)
filter = os::Directory::Filter::None;
files = TRY(dir->list(filter));
else if (os::FileSystem::exists(pathname, follow_symlink_args))
auto str = TRY(String::from_string_view(pathname));
return err(ENOENT);
if (!long_list)
auto list = TRY(String::join(files, " "_sv));
if (!list.is_empty()) os::println("%s", list.chars());
for (const auto& file : files)
struct stat st;
TRY(os::FileSystem::stat({ dirfd, file.view() }, st, false));
StringView owner;
StringView group;
find_user_and_group(st, owner, group);
if (!human_readable && !si)
os::println("%6o %u %4s %4s %10lu %s", st.st_mode, st.st_nlink, owner.chars(), group.chars(),
st.st_size, file.chars());
auto size = TRY(to_dynamic_unit(st.st_size, 10, false, si ? Unit::SI : Unit::Binary, false));
os::println("%6o %u %4s %4s %6s %s", st.st_mode, st.st_nlink, owner.chars(), group.chars(),
size.chars(), file.chars());
return 0;