
135 lines
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#include "ELF.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "fs/VFS.h"
#include "memory/MemoryManager.h"
#include "sys/Syscall.h"
#include "thread/Scheduler.h"
#include "thread/ThreadImage.h"
#include <bits/modes.h>
2023-03-24 21:19:24 +01:00
#include <bits/open-flags.h>
#include <luna/CString.h>
#include <luna/ScopeGuard.h>
2023-03-18 21:55:16 +01:00
#include <luna/Vector.h>
static Result<Vector<OwnedStringView>> copy_string_vector_from_userspace(u64 address)
Vector<OwnedStringView> result;
const u64* user_vector = (const u64*)address;
u64 string_addr;
2023-03-18 21:55:16 +01:00
while (true)
if (!MemoryManager::copy_from_user_typed(user_vector, &string_addr)) return err(EFAULT);
if (!string_addr) break;
2023-03-18 21:55:16 +01:00
auto string = TRY(MemoryManager::strdup_from_user(string_addr));
2023-03-18 21:55:16 +01:00
return result;
2023-03-18 22:25:19 +01:00
static Result<u64> copy_string_vector_to_userspace(const Vector<OwnedStringView>& vec, ThreadImage& image)
Vector<u64> user_vec;
for (const auto& item : vec)
// Copy each individual string and retrieve a userspace pointer to said copy
u64 addr = TRY(image.push_mem_on_stack((const u8*)item.chars(), item.length() + 1));
TRY(user_vec.try_append((u64) nullptr));
// Copy the actual vector of userspace pointers to the stack
return TRY(image.push_mem_on_stack((u8*), user_vec.size() * sizeof(u64)));
Result<u64> sys_exec(Registers* regs, SyscallArgs args)
auto path = TRY(MemoryManager::strdup_from_user(args[0]));
2023-03-18 21:55:16 +01:00
auto argv = TRY(copy_string_vector_from_userspace(args[1]));
// FIXME: Make sure argv is not too big.
auto inode = TRY(VFS::resolve_path(path.chars()));
// Not executable
if ((inode->mode() & S_IXUSR) != S_IXUSR) return err(EACCES);
kinfoln("exec: attempting to replace current image with %s", path.chars());
auto current = Scheduler::current();
2023-03-18 22:25:19 +01:00
auto guard = make_scope_guard([current] { MMU::switch_page_directory(current->directory); });
auto image = TRY(ThreadImage::try_load_from_elf(inode));
2023-03-18 22:25:19 +01:00
kdbgln("exec: copying argv to image memory (argc = %zu)", argv.size());
u64 user_argv = TRY(copy_string_vector_to_userspace(argv, *image));
usize user_argc = argv.size();
// From now on, nothing should fail.
kinfoln("exec: image load ok, will now replace existing process image");
2023-03-18 22:25:19 +01:00
2023-03-24 21:19:24 +01:00
for (int i = 0; i < FD_MAX; i++)
auto& descriptor = current->fd_table[i];
if (!descriptor.has_value()) continue;
2023-03-24 21:19:24 +01:00
if (descriptor->flags & O_CLOEXEC) descriptor = {};
current->name = path.chars();
2023-03-24 21:05:38 +01:00
2023-03-18 22:25:19 +01:00
current->set_arguments(user_argc, user_argv, 0, 0);
memcpy(regs, &current->regs, sizeof(*regs));
kinfoln("exec: done");
return 0;
2023-03-18 23:45:48 +01:00
Result<u64> sys_fork(Registers* regs, SyscallArgs)
auto current = Scheduler::current();
auto guard = make_scope_guard([current] { MMU::switch_page_directory(current->directory); });
kinfoln("fork: trying to duplicate process %lu", current->id);
memcpy(&current->regs, regs, sizeof(*regs));
auto image = TRY(ThreadImage::clone_from_thread(current));
auto thread = TRY(new_thread());
thread->state = ThreadState::Runnable;
thread->is_kernel = false;
thread->parent_id = current->id;
2023-03-18 23:45:48 +01:00
for (int i = 0; i < FD_MAX; i++) { thread->fd_table[i] = current->fd_table[i]; }
memcpy(&thread->regs, regs, sizeof(*regs));
return thread->id;