luna, kernel: More constness
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
This commit is contained in:
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace MMU
auto& l4 = l4_entry(virt);
if (!l4.present)
u64 addr = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_frame());
const u64 addr = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_frame());
l4.present = true;
memset(l3_table(virt), 0, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE);
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ namespace MMU
auto& l3 = l3_entry(virt);
if (!l3.present)
u64 addr = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_frame());
const u64 addr = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_frame());
l3.present = true;
memset(l2_table(virt), 0, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE);
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ namespace MMU
auto& l2 = l2_entry(virt);
if (!l2.present)
u64 addr = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_frame());
const u64 addr = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_frame());
l2.present = true;
memset(l1_table(virt), 0, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE);
@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ namespace MMU
Result<PageDirectory*> create_page_directory_for_userspace()
u64 directory_virt = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_for_kernel(1, MMU::ReadWrite | MMU::NoExecute));
u64 directory_phys = MMU::get_physical(directory_virt).value();
const u64 directory_virt = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_for_kernel(1, MMU::ReadWrite | MMU::NoExecute));
const u64 directory_phys = MMU::get_physical(directory_virt).value();
PageDirectory* directory = (PageDirectory*)directory_virt;
PageDirectory* const directory = (PageDirectory*)directory_virt;
memset(directory, 0, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE);
PageTableEntry& recursive_entry = directory->entries[rindex];
recursive_entry.read_write = true;
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ namespace MMU
PageDirectory* table = l4_table();
PageDirectory* const table = l4_table();
// Let's iterate over every top-level entry, skipping the last two entries (recursive mapping and kernel pages)
for (u64 i = 0; i < 510; i++)
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ namespace MMU
PageTableEntry& l4 = table->entries[i];
if (!l4.present) continue;
PageDirectory* pdp = raw_l3_table(i);
PageDirectory* const pdp = raw_l3_table(i);
for (u64 j = 0; j < 512; j++)
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ namespace MMU
PageDirectory* pd = raw_l2_table(i, j);
PageDirectory* const pd = raw_l2_table(i, j);
for (u64 k = 0; k < 512; k++)
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ namespace MMU
PageDirectory* pt = raw_l1_table(i, j, k);
PageDirectory* const pt = raw_l1_table(i, j, k);
for (u64 l = 0; l < 512; l++)
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace MemoryManager
while (pages_mapped < count)
u64 frame = TRY(alloc_frame());
const u64 frame = TRY(alloc_frame());
TRY(MMU::map(virt, frame, flags));
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ namespace MemoryManager
Result<u64> alloc_for_kernel(usize count, int flags)
u64 start = TRY(KernelVM::alloc_several_pages(count));
const u64 start = TRY(KernelVM::alloc_several_pages(count));
usize pages_mapped = 0;
auto guard = make_scope_guard([=, &pages_mapped] {
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace MemoryManager
while (pages_mapped < count)
u64 frame = TRY(alloc_frame());
const u64 frame = TRY(alloc_frame());
TRY(MMU::map(virt, frame, flags));
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ namespace MemoryManager
Result<u64> get_kernel_mapping_for_frames(u64 phys, usize count, int flags)
u64 start = TRY(KernelVM::alloc_several_pages(count));
const u64 start = TRY(KernelVM::alloc_several_pages(count));
usize pages_mapped = 0;
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace MemoryManager
while (count--)
u64 frame = TRY(MMU::unmap(virt));
const u64 frame = TRY(MMU::unmap(virt));
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Option<MemoryMapEntry> MemoryMapIterator::at(usize index) const
Option<MemoryMapEntry> MemoryMapIterator::next()
auto entry = TRY(at(m_cur_ent++));
const auto entry = TRY(at(m_cur_ent++));
#ifdef ARCH_X86_64
// Workaround for
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ namespace Scheduler
// If anything fails, make sure to clean up.
auto guard = make_scope_guard([&] { delete thread; });
u64 thread_stack_vm = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_for_kernel(4, MMU::NoExecute | MMU::ReadWrite));
const u64 thread_stack_vm = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_for_kernel(4, MMU::NoExecute | MMU::ReadWrite));
Stack thread_stack { thread_stack_vm, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE * 4 };
const Stack thread_stack { thread_stack_vm, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE * 4 };
thread->stack = thread_stack;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace Scheduler
Result<void> new_kernel_thread(u64 address)
Thread* thread = TRY(new_thread());
Thread* const thread = TRY(new_thread());
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ namespace Scheduler
Result<void> new_kernel_thread(void (*func)(void))
Thread* thread = TRY(new_thread());
Thread* const thread = TRY(new_thread());
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace Scheduler
Result<void> new_kernel_thread(void (*func)(void*), void* arg)
Thread* thread = TRY(new_thread());
Thread* const thread = TRY(new_thread());
thread->set_arguments((u64)arg, 0, 0, 0);
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace Scheduler
auto guard = make_scope_guard([&] { MemoryManager::unmap_owned(THREAD_STACK_BASE, 4); });
u64 kernel_stack_base = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_for_kernel(4, MMU::ReadWrite | MMU::NoExecute));
const u64 kernel_stack_base = TRY(MemoryManager::alloc_for_kernel(4, MMU::ReadWrite | MMU::NoExecute));
@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ namespace Scheduler
Result<void> new_userspace_thread(const TarStream::Entry& entry, const TarStream& stream)
Thread* thread = TRY(new_thread());
Thread* const thread = TRY(new_thread());
thread->is_kernel = false;
auto guard = make_scope_guard([&] { delete thread; });
auto directory = TRY(MMU::create_page_directory_for_userspace());
PageDirectory* const directory = TRY(MMU::create_page_directory_for_userspace());
auto directory_guard = make_scope_guard([&] {
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ namespace Scheduler
auto data = TRY(ELFLoader::load(entry, stream));
const ELFData data = TRY(ELFLoader::load(entry, stream));
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void Thread::init()
Result<Thread*> new_thread()
Thread* thread = TRY(make<Thread>());
Thread* const thread = TRY(make<Thread>());
thread->id = g_next_id++;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace TextConsole
auto guard = make_scope_guard([] { utf8_decoder.reset(); });
auto maybe_wchar = TRY(utf8_decoder.feed(c));
const Option<wchar_t> maybe_wchar = TRY(utf8_decoder.feed(c));
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ namespace TextConsole
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
auto rc = TRY(cstyle_format(
const usize rc = TRY(cstyle_format(
format, [](char c, void*) -> Result<void> { return putchar(c); }, nullptr, ap));
return rc;
@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ template <typename T, class... Args> Result<SharedPtr<T>> make_shared(Args... ar
using RefCount = __detail::RefCount;
RefCount* ref_count = TRY(make<RefCount>());
RefCount* const ref_count = TRY(make<RefCount>());
auto guard = make_scope_guard([&] { delete ref_count; });
T* ptr = TRY(make<T>(args...));
T* const ptr = TRY(make<T>(args...));
return SharedPtr<T> { ptr, ref_count };
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ template <typename T> Result<SharedPtr<T>> adopt_shared(T* ptr)
using RefCount = __detail::RefCount;
RefCount* ref_count = TRY(make<RefCount>());
RefCount* const ref_count = TRY(make<RefCount>());
return SharedPtr<T> { ptr, ref_count };
@ -126,9 +126,11 @@ template <typename T> Result<SharedPtr<T>> adopt_shared_from_owned(OwnedPtr<T>&&
T* ptr = other.m_ptr;
other.m_ptr = nullptr;
// FIXME: Should the pointee magically vanish on failure? Or go back into the OwnedPtr, even though it's been
// moved...
auto guard = make_scope_guard([&] { delete ptr; });
SharedPtr<T> shared_ptr = TRY(adopt_shared(ptr));
const SharedPtr<T> shared_ptr = TRY(adopt_shared(ptr));
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ struct Stack
Stack() = default;
Stack(u64 base, usize bytes);
u64 bottom()
u64 bottom() const
return m_base;
u64 top();
u64 top() const;
usize bytes()
usize bytes() const
return m_bytes;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Option<usize> Bitmap::find(bool value, usize begin) const
expect(initialized(), "Bitmap was never initialized");
usize size = this->size();
const usize size = this->size();
expect(begin < size, "Start index out of range");
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Option<usize> Bitmap::find(bool value, usize begin) const
if (begin == size) return {};
usize i = begin / 8;
u8 byte_that_does_not_contain_value = value_byte(!value);
const u8 byte_that_does_not_contain_value = value_byte(!value);
while (i < m_size_in_bytes)
if (m_location[i] == byte_that_does_not_contain_value)
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Option<usize> Bitmap::find(bool value, usize begin) const
Option<usize> Bitmap::find_and_toggle(bool value, usize begin)
usize index = TRY(find(value, begin));
const usize index = TRY(find(value, begin));
set(index, !value);
return index;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Stack::Stack(u64 base, usize bytes) : m_base(base), m_bytes(bytes)
u64 Stack::top()
u64 Stack::top() const
return (m_base + m_bytes) - sizeof(void*);
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ usize TarStream::read_contents(const Entry& entry, void* buf, usize offset, usiz
Result<OwnedStringView> TarStream::read_contents_as_string(const Entry& entry, usize offset, usize max) const
char* buf = TRY(make_array<char>(max + 1));
char* const buf = TRY(make_array<char>(max + 1));
usize nread = read_contents(entry, buf, offset, max);
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ usize to_dynamic_unit_cstr(usize value, char* buffer, usize max)
Result<OwnedStringView> to_dynamic_unit(usize value)
char* buf = TRY(make_array<char>(64));
char* const buf = TRY(make_array<char>(64));
to_dynamic_unit_cstr(value, buf, 64);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ static inline usize wide_char_length_as_utf8_unchecked(wchar_t c)
static Result<void> encode_wide_char_as_utf8(wchar_t c, char* result, usize& len)
usize utf8_len = TRY(wide_char_length_as_utf8(c));
const usize utf8_len = TRY(wide_char_length_as_utf8(c));
if (utf8_len > len) { return err(EILSEQ); }
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static Result<void> encode_wide_char_as_utf8(wchar_t c, char* result, usize& len
static Result<wchar_t> encode_utf8_as_wide_char_impl(const char* beg, usize& len)
usize utf8_len = TRY(utf8_char_length(*beg));
const usize utf8_len = TRY(utf8_char_length(*beg));
if (utf8_len > len) return err(EILSEQ); // Unterminated sequence
len = utf8_len; // Enough space for the sequence, let's return the resulting length
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static Result<wchar_t> encode_utf8_as_wide_char_impl(const char* beg, usize& len
static Result<wchar_t> encode_utf8_as_wide_char(const char* beg, usize& len)
wchar_t result = TRY(encode_utf8_as_wide_char_impl(beg, len));
const wchar_t result = TRY(encode_utf8_as_wide_char_impl(beg, len));
// NOTE: We already know this is a valid code-point, since we constructed it ourselves and already checked the
// range.
if (len != wide_char_length_as_utf8_unchecked(result))
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Result<usize> Utf8StringDecoder::code_points() const
while ((usize)(it - m_str) < m_byte_length)
usize utf8_len = TRY(utf8_char_length(*it));
const usize utf8_len = TRY(utf8_char_length(*it));
if ((usize)(it - m_str) + utf8_len > m_byte_length) return err(EILSEQ);
it += utf8_len;
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Result<Option<wchar_t>> Utf8StateDecoder::feed(char c)
if (m_state_index == m_state_len - 1)
usize len = m_state_len;
wchar_t wc = TRY(encode_utf8_as_wide_char(m_state, len));
const wchar_t wc = TRY(encode_utf8_as_wide_char(m_state, len));
m_state_len = 0;
return Option<wchar_t> { wc };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user