#pragma once #include <stdint.h> namespace Ext2 { struct Superblock { uint32_t fs_inodes; // Total number of inodes in file system uint32_t fs_blocks; // Total number of blocks in file system uint32_t su_blocks; // Number of blocks reserved for superuser uint32_t free_blocks; // Total number of unallocated blocks uint32_t free_inodes; // Total number of unallocated inodes uint32_t superblock_number; // Block number of the block containing the superblock uint32_t block_size; // log2(block size) - 10 uint32_t frag_size; // log2(fragment size) - 10 uint32_t num_blocks; // Number of blocks in each block group uint32_t num_frag; // Number of fragments in each block group uint32_t num_inodes; // Number of inodes in each block group uint32_t mount_time; // Last mount time (in POSIX time) uint32_t write_time; // Last written time (in POSIX time) uint16_t fsck_mounts; // Number of times the volume has been mounted since its last consistency check uint16_t fsck_mounts_allowed; // Number of mounts allowed before a consistency check must be done uint16_t signature; // Ext2 signature (0xef53) uint16_t fs_state; // File system state uint16_t error_action; // What to do when an error is detected uint16_t version_minor; // Minor portion of version uint32_t fsck_time; // POSIX time of last consistency check uint32_t fsck_interval; // Interval (in POSIX time) between forced consistency checks uint32_t os_id; // Operating system ID from which the filesystem on this volume was created uint32_t version_major; // Major portion of version uint16_t su_uid; // User ID that can use reserved blocks (superuser) uint16_t su_gid; // Group ID that can use reserved blocks }; }