 * @file Atomic.h
 * @author apio (cloudapio.eu)
 * @brief Atomic value operations.
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022-2023, the Luna authors.

#pragma once

 * @brief An enum representing the different C++11 memory orders.
enum class MemoryOrder
    Relaxed = __ATOMIC_RELAXED,
    Consume = __ATOMIC_CONSUME,
    Acquire = __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE,
    Release = __ATOMIC_RELEASE,
    AcqRel = __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL,
    SeqCst = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST,

 * @brief An atomic wrapper around a simple integer value.
 * @tparam T The type of the value.
template <typename T> class Atomic
     * @brief Construct a new Atomic object.
    Atomic() : m_value()

     * @brief Construct a new Atomic object.
     * @param value The value to use.
    Atomic(T value) : m_value(value)

     * @brief Store a new value inside this object.
     * @param other The value to store.
     * @return T The updated value.
    T operator=(T other)
        return other;

     * @brief Perform an atomic load of the stored value.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
     * @return T The loaded value.
    T load(MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst) const
        return __atomic_load_n(&m_value, (int)order);

     * @brief Return the stored value atomically.
     * @return T The stored value.
    operator T() const
        return load();

     * @brief Store a new value atomically.
     * @param value The value to store.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
    void store(T value, MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst)
        return __atomic_store_n(&m_value, value, (int)order);

     * @brief Store a new value atomically, and return the old value.
     * @param value The value to store.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
     * @return T The old value.
    T exchange(T value, MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst)
        return __atomic_exchange_n(&m_value, value, (int)order);

     * @brief Compare the current value against an expected value and exchange it with a desired value only if they
     * match, all in a single atomic step.
     * @param expected The expected value. After compare_exchange_strong returns, it will be set to the value that used
     * to be held.
     * @param desired The value to store if the two values match.
     * @param success The memory order to use in case of success.
     * @param failure The memory order to use in case of failure.
     * @return true The values match and the current value was updated to match desired.
     * @return false The values did not match and the current value stays the same.
    bool compare_exchange_strong(T& expected, T desired, MemoryOrder success, MemoryOrder failure)
        return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&m_value, &expected, desired, false, (int)success, (int)failure);

     * @brief Compare the current value against an expected value and exchange it with a desired value only if they
     * match, all in a single atomic step.
     * @param expected The expected value. After compare_exchange_strong returns, it will be set to the value that used
     * to be held.
     * @param desired The value to store if the two values match.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
     * @return true The values match and the current value was updated to match desired.
     * @return false The values did not match and the current value stays the same.
    bool compare_exchange_strong(T& expected, T desired, MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst)
        MemoryOrder failure = (order == MemoryOrder::AcqRel)    ? MemoryOrder::Acquire
                              : (order == MemoryOrder::Release) ? MemoryOrder::Relaxed
                                                                : order;
        return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&m_value, &expected, desired, false, (int)order, (int)failure);

     * @brief Compare the current value against an expected value and exchange it with a desired value only if they
     * match, all in a single atomic step.
     * This variant may be more performant than compare_exchange_strong, but is allowed to sometimes spuriously fail
     * (fail even if the two values did match).
     * @param expected The expected value. After compare_exchange_weak returns, it will be set to the value that used
     * to be held.
     * @param desired The value to store if the two values match.
     * @param success The memory order to use in case of success.
     * @param failure The memory order to use in case of failure.
     * @return true The values match and the current value was updated to match desired.
     * @return false The values did not match (or there was a spurious failure) and the current value stays the same.
    bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T desired, MemoryOrder success, MemoryOrder failure)
        return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&m_value, &expected, desired, true, (int)success, (int)failure);

     * @brief Compare the current value against an expected value and exchange it with a desired value only if they
     * match, all in a single atomic step.
     * This variant may be more performant than compare_exchange_strong, but is allowed to sometimes spuriously fail
     * (fail even if the two values did match).
     * @param expected The expected value. After compare_exchange_weak returns, it will be set to the value that used
     * to be held.
     * @param desired The value to store if the two values match.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
     * @return true The values match and the current value was updated to match desired.
     * @return false The values did not match (or there was a spurious failure) and the current value stays the same.
    bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T desired, MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst)
        MemoryOrder failure = (order == MemoryOrder::AcqRel)    ? MemoryOrder::Acquire
                              : (order == MemoryOrder::Release) ? MemoryOrder::Relaxed
                                                                : order;
        return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&m_value, &expected, desired, true, (int)order, (int)failure);

     * @brief Atomically add a value to the stored value and return the previous value.
     * @param other The value to add.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
     * @return T The original stored value.
    T fetch_add(T other, MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst)
        return __atomic_fetch_add(&m_value, other, (int)order);

     * @brief Atomically subtract a value from the stored value and return the previous value.
     * @param other The value to add.
     * @param order The memory order to use (keep it to the default if you don't know what you're doing).
     * @return T The original stored value.
    T fetch_sub(T other, MemoryOrder order = MemoryOrder::SeqCst)
        return __atomic_fetch_sub(&m_value, other, (int)order);

     * @brief Increment the stored value and return it.
     * @return T The new value.
    T operator++()
        return fetch_add(1) + 1;

     * @brief Fetch the stored value, increment it and return the original value.
     * @return T The original value.
    T operator++(int)
        return fetch_add(1);

     * @brief Decrement the stored value and return it.
     * @return T The new value.
    T operator--()
        return fetch_sub(1) - 1;

     * @brief Fetch the stored value, decrement it and return the original value.
     * @return T The original value.
    T operator--(int)
        return fetch_sub(1);

     * @brief Add a value to the stored value and return the result.
     * @param other The value to add.
     * @return T The resulting value.
    T operator+=(const T& other)
        return fetch_add(other) + other;

     * @brief Subtract a value from the stored value and return the result.
     * @param other The value to subtract.
     * @return T The resulting value.
    T operator-=(const T& other)
        return fetch_sub(other) - other;

    T m_value;