/** * @file Image.cpp * @author apio (cloudapio.eu) * @brief TGA image loading and rendering. * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, the Luna authors. * */ #include #include #include namespace ui { Result> Image::load(const os::Path& path) { auto image = TRY(make_shared()); auto file = TRY(os::File::open(path, os::File::ReadOnly)); TRY(file->read_typed(image->m_tga_header)); if (image->m_tga_header.encoding != 2) todo(); if (image->m_tga_header.bpp != 32) todo(); Buffer image_id; TRY(file->read(image_id, image->m_tga_header.idlen)); TRY(file->read(image->m_image_data, image->m_tga_header.w * image->m_tga_header.h * (image->m_tga_header.bpp / 8))); return image; } Result> ImageWidget::load(const os::Path& path) { auto widget = TRY(make_owned()); widget->m_image = TRY(Image::load(path)); widget->m_rect = { 0, 0, widget->m_image->width(), widget->m_image->height() }; return widget; } Result ImageWidget::handle_mousemove(Point) { return EventResult::DidNotHandle; } Result ImageWidget::draw(Canvas& canvas) { canvas.subcanvas({ 0, 0, m_image->width(), m_image->height() }).fill(m_image->pixels(), m_image->width()); return {}; } }