#include "Log.h" #include "arch/CPU.h" #include "config.h" #include "memory/MemoryManager.h" #include "sys/Syscall.h" #include "thread/Scheduler.h" #include #include #include StaticString<_UTSNAME_LENGTH - 1> s_hostname; void set_host_name(StringView hostname) { s_hostname.adopt(hostname.chars()); } Result sys_uname(Registers*, SyscallArgs args) { utsname* buf = (utsname*)args[0]; utsname result; strncpy(result.sysname, "moon", _UTSNAME_LENGTH); strncpy(result.nodename, s_hostname.chars(), _UTSNAME_LENGTH); strncpy(result.release, MOON_VERSION, _UTSNAME_LENGTH); // FIXME: Hardcode this at build time instead of in code (should be the short commit hash). strncpy(result.version, "alpha", _UTSNAME_LENGTH); strncpy(result.machine, CPU::platform_string().chars(), _UTSNAME_LENGTH); if (!MemoryManager::copy_to_user_typed(buf, &result)) return err(EFAULT); return 0; } Result sys_sethostname(Registers*, SyscallArgs args) { const char* buf = (const char*)args[0]; usize length = (usize)args[1]; Thread* current = Scheduler::current(); if (current->auth.euid != 0) return err(EPERM); if (length >= _UTSNAME_LENGTH) return err(EINVAL); char new_hostname[_UTSNAME_LENGTH]; memset(new_hostname, 0, _UTSNAME_LENGTH); if (!MemoryManager::copy_from_user(buf, new_hostname, length)) return err(EFAULT); s_hostname.adopt(new_hostname); kinfoln("System hostname updated to '%s'", s_hostname.chars()); return 0; }