#include "arch/x86_64/disk/ATA.h" #include "Log.h" #include "arch/x86_64/IO.h" #include SharedPtr g_controller; static void irq_handler(Registers* regs, void* ctx) { ((ATA::Channel*)ctx)->irq_handler(regs); } namespace ATA { Result Controller::scan() { // FIXME: Propagate errors. PCI::scan( [](const PCI::Device& device) { if (!g_controller) { auto controller = adopt_shared_if_nonnull(new (std::nothrow) Controller(device)).release_value(); kinfoln("ata: Found ATA controller on PCI bus (%x:%x:%x)", device.address.bus, device.address.function, device.address.slot); if (controller->initialize()) g_controller = controller; } }, { .klass = 1, .subclass = 1 }); if (!g_controller) kwarnln("ata: No ATA controller found."); return {}; } bool Controller::initialize() { if (!m_primary_channel.initialize()) return false; return m_secondary_channel.initialize(); } Controller::Controller(const PCI::Device& device) : m_device(device), m_primary_channel(this, 0, {}), m_secondary_channel(this, 1, {}) { } Channel::Channel(Controller* controller, u8 channel_index, Badge) : m_controller(controller), m_channel_index(channel_index) { } u8 Channel::read_register(Register reg) { return IO::inb(m_io_base + (u16)reg); } void Channel::write_register(Register reg, u8 value) { IO::outb(m_io_base + (u16)reg, value); } u8 Channel::read_control(ControlRegister reg) { return IO::inb(m_control_base + (u16)reg); } void Channel::write_control(ControlRegister reg, u8 value) { IO::outb(m_control_base + (u16)reg, value); } void Channel::delay_400ns() { read_control(ControlRegister::AltStatus); read_control(ControlRegister::AltStatus); read_control(ControlRegister::AltStatus); read_control(ControlRegister::AltStatus); } void Channel::select(u8 drive) { if (drive == m_current_drive) return; u8 value = (drive << 4) | 0xa0; write_register(Register::DriveSelect, value); delay_400ns(); m_current_drive = drive; } void Channel::irq_handler(Registers*) { // FIXME: Read the Busmaster register to make sure the IRQ is for this channel. // FIXME: Also read it in case there was a DMA read error. m_thread->wake_up(); } void Channel::wait_for_irq() { m_thread = Scheduler::current(); kernel_wait_for_event(); } bool Channel::initialize() { int offset = m_channel_index ? 2 : 0; m_is_pci_native_mode = m_controller->device().type.prog_if & (1 << offset); u32 control_port_base_address; u32 io_base_address; if (m_is_pci_native_mode) { // FIXME: Properly decode BARs. io_base_address = PCI::read32(m_controller->device().address, m_channel_index ? PCI::BAR2 : PCI::BAR0); control_port_base_address = PCI::read32(m_controller->device().address, m_channel_index ? PCI::BAR3 : PCI::BAR1); } else { io_base_address = m_channel_index ? 0x170 : 0x1f0; control_port_base_address = m_channel_index ? 0x376 : 0x3f6; } m_io_base = (u16)io_base_address; m_control_base = (u16)control_port_base_address + 2; if (m_is_pci_native_mode) m_interrupt_line = PCI::read8(m_controller->device().address, PCI::InterruptLine); else m_interrupt_line = m_channel_index ? 15 : 14; bool ok = CPU::register_interrupt(m_interrupt_line, ::irq_handler, this); if (!ok) { kerrorln("ata: Failed to register IRQ handler for ATA channel %d (IRQ %d)", m_channel_index, m_interrupt_line); return false; } for (u8 drive = 0; drive < 2; drive++) { ScopedKMutexLock<100> lock(m_lock); select(drive); if (read_register(Register::Status) == 0) { // No drive on this slot. continue; } kinfoln("ata: Channel %d has a drive on slot %d!", m_channel_index, drive); } return true; } }