 * @file Security.h
 * @author apio (cloudapio.eu)
 * @brief Functions to restrict process operations.
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, the Luna authors.

#pragma once
#include <luna/Result.h>

namespace os
    namespace Security
         * @brief Restrict system operations.
         * The pledge() call, borrowed from OpenBSD, is a simple function to sandbox a process effectively.
         * Syscalls are divided into a number of categories ("promises"), the following are the ones implemented on
         * Luna: stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr chown unix tty proc exec prot_exec id mount signal host error
         * The way pledge() works is: the process "tells" the kernel which subset of functions it will use, and if it
         * suddenly uses something it has not promised (probably because the process was hacked, using ROP or something
         * else) the kernel kills the process immediately with an uncatchable SIGABRT. Alternatively, if the process has
         * pledged the "error" promise, the call will fail with ENOSYS.
         * Pledges are not inherited across exec, although one may specify another set of promises to apply on the next
         * execve() call. Thus, pledge() is not a way to restrict untrusted programs (unless the "exec" pledge is
         * removed), but more of a way to protect trusted local programs from vulnerabilities.
         * One may call pledge() several times, but only to remove promises, not to add them.
         * A typical call to pledge would look like this:
         *   TRY(os::Security::pledge("stdio rpath wpath unix proc", nullptr));
         * @param promises The promises to apply immediately, separated by spaces. If empty, the process may only call
         * _exit(2). If NULL, the promises are not changed.
         * @param execpromises The promises to apply on the next call to execve(2), separated by spaces. If empty, the
         * process may only call _exit(2). If NULL, the execpromises are not changed.
         * @return Result<void> Whether the operation succeded.
        Result<void> pledge(const char* promises, const char* execpromises);