#include "arch/CPU.h" #include "Log.h" #include "arch/Keyboard.h" #include "arch/Timer.h" #include "arch/x86_64/CPU.h" #include "arch/x86_64/IO.h" #include "fs/devices/ConsoleDevice.h" #include "memory/MemoryManager.h" #include "sys/Syscall.h" #include "thread/Scheduler.h" #include "video/TextConsole.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" void enable_sse(); extern "C" void enable_write_protect(); extern "C" void enable_nx(); extern void setup_gdt(); extern void remap_pic(); extern void pic_eoi(unsigned char irq); extern void pic_eoi(Registers* regs); extern void setup_idt(); static Thread* g_io_thread; typedef void (*interrupt_handler_t)(Registers*, void*); struct InterruptHandler { interrupt_handler_t function; void* context; }; static InterruptHandler irq_handlers[16]; void FPData::save() { asm volatile("fxsave (%0)" : : "r"(m_data)); m_already_saved = true; } void FPData::restore() { if (!m_already_saved) return; asm volatile("fxrstor (%0)" : : "r"(m_data)); } // Interrupt handling #define FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT(name) \ kerrorln("FIXME(interrupt): %s", name); \ CPU::efficient_halt(); #define PF_PRESENT 1 << 0 #define PF_WRITE 1 << 1 #define PF_USER 1 << 2 #define PF_RESERVED 1 << 3 #define PF_NX_VIOLATION 1 << 4 void decode_page_fault_error_code(u64 code) { kwarnln("Fault details: %s | %s | %s%s%s", (code & PF_PRESENT) ? "Present" : "Not present", (code & PF_WRITE) ? "Write access" : "Read access", (code & PF_USER) ? "User mode" : "Kernel mode", (code & PF_RESERVED) ? " | Reserved bits set" : "", (code & PF_NX_VIOLATION) ? " | NX violation" : ""); } [[noreturn]] void handle_page_fault(Registers* regs) { CPU::disable_interrupts(); u64 cr2; asm volatile("mov %%cr2, %0" : "=r"(cr2)); kerrorln("Page fault at RIP %lx while accessing %lx!", regs->rip, cr2); decode_page_fault_error_code(regs->error); if (!is_in_kernel(regs)) { // FIXME: Kill this process with SIGSEGV once we have signals and all that. kerrorln("Current task %zu was terminated because of a page fault", Scheduler::current()->id); if (Scheduler::current()->is_kernel) Scheduler::current()->state = ThreadState::Dying; else { auto* current = Scheduler::current(); auto* parent = current->parent; if (parent && parent->state == ThreadState::Waiting) { auto child = *parent->child_being_waited_for; if (child == -1 || child == (pid_t)current->id) { parent->child_being_waited_for = (pid_t)current->id; parent->wake_up(); } } current->state = ThreadState::Exited; } Scheduler::current()->status = 127; kernel_yield(); unreachable(); } CPU::print_stack_trace_at(regs); CPU::efficient_halt(); } [[noreturn]] void handle_general_protection_fault(Registers* regs) { CPU::disable_interrupts(); kerrorln("General protection fault at RIP %lx, error code %lx!", regs->rip, regs->error); CPU::print_stack_trace_at(regs); CPU::efficient_halt(); } extern "C" void handle_x86_exception(Registers* regs) { switch (regs->isr) { case 0: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Division by zero"); case 1: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Debug interrupt"); case 2: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("NMI (Non-maskable interrupt)"); case 3: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Breakpoint"); case 4: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Overflow"); case 5: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Bound range exceeded"); case 6: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Invalid opcode"); case 7: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Device not available"); case 10: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Invalid TSS"); case 11: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Segment not present"); case 12: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Stack-segment fault"); case 13: handle_general_protection_fault(regs); case 14: handle_page_fault(regs); case 16: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("x87 floating-point exception"); case 17: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Alignment check"); case 19: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("SIMD floating-point exception"); case 20: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Virtualization exception"); case 21: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Control-protection exception"); default: FIXME_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT("Reserved exception or #DF/#MC, which shouldn't call handle_x86_exception"); } } CircularQueue scancode_queue; void io_thread() { while (true) { u8 scancode; while (!scancode_queue.try_pop(scancode)) kernel_wait_for_event(); char key; if (Keyboard::decode_scancode(scancode).try_set_value(key)) ConsoleDevice::did_press_key(key); } } static void timer_interrupt(Registers* regs, void*) { Timer::tick(); if (should_invoke_scheduler()) Scheduler::invoke(regs); } static void keyboard_interrupt(Registers*, void*) { u8 scancode = IO::inb(0x60); scancode_queue.try_push(scancode); g_io_thread->wake_up(); } // Called from _asm_interrupt_entry extern "C" void arch_interrupt_entry(Registers* regs) { if (regs->isr < 32) handle_x86_exception(regs); else if (regs->isr >= 32 && regs->isr < 48) // IRQ from the PIC { u64 irq = regs->error; auto handler = irq_handlers[irq]; if (!handler.function) { kwarnln("Unhandled IRQ catched! Halting."); CPU::efficient_halt(); } handler.function(regs, handler.context); pic_eoi(regs); } else if (regs->isr == 66) // System call { SyscallArgs args = { regs->rdi, regs->rsi, regs->rdx, regs->r10, regs->r8, regs->r9 }; regs->rax = (u64)invoke_syscall(regs, args, regs->rax); } else { kwarnln("Unhandled interrupt catched! Halting."); CPU::efficient_halt(); } } extern "C" [[noreturn]] void arch_double_fault() { kerrorln("ERROR: Catched double fault"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } extern "C" [[noreturn]] void arch_machine_check() { kerrorln("ERROR: Machine check failed"); CPU::efficient_halt(); } // Generic CPU code static bool test_nx() { u32 __unused, edx = 0; if (!__get_cpuid(0x80000001, &__unused, &__unused, &__unused, &edx)) return 0; return edx & (1 << 20); } namespace CPU { Result identify() { static char brand_string[49]; u32 buf[4]; if (!__get_cpuid(0x80000002, &buf[0], &buf[1], &buf[2], &buf[3])) return err(ENOTSUP); memcpy(brand_string, buf, 16); if (!__get_cpuid(0x80000003, &buf[0], &buf[1], &buf[2], &buf[3])) return err(ENOTSUP); memcpy(&brand_string[16], buf, 16); if (!__get_cpuid(0x80000004, &buf[0], &buf[1], &buf[2], &buf[3])) return err(ENOTSUP); memcpy(&brand_string[32], buf, 16); brand_string[48] = 0; // null-terminate it :) return StringView { brand_string, 48 }; } StringView platform_string() { return "x86_64"_sv; } void platform_init() { enable_sse(); // enable_write_protect(); if (test_nx()) enable_nx(); else kwarnln("not setting the NX bit as it is unsupported"); setup_gdt(); setup_idt(); memset(irq_handlers, 0, sizeof(irq_handlers)); register_interrupt(0, timer_interrupt, nullptr); register_interrupt(1, keyboard_interrupt, nullptr); } void platform_finish_init() { g_io_thread = Scheduler::new_kernel_thread(io_thread, "[x86_64-io]") .expect_value("Could not create the IO background thread!"); remap_pic(); } void enable_interrupts() { asm volatile("sti"); } void disable_interrupts() { asm volatile("cli"); } void wait_for_interrupt() { asm volatile("hlt"); } [[noreturn]] void efficient_halt() // Halt the CPU, using the lowest power possible. On x86-64 we do this using the // "hlt" instruction, which puts the CPU into a low-power idle state until the // next interrupt arrives... and we disable interrupts beforehand. { asm volatile("cli"); // Disable interrupts loop: asm volatile("hlt"); // Let the cpu rest and pause until the next interrupt arrives... which in this case should // be never (unless an NMI arrives) :) goto loop; // Safeguard: if we ever wake up, start our low-power rest again } [[noreturn]] void idle_loop() { asm volatile("sti"); loop: asm volatile("hlt"); goto loop; } void switch_kernel_stack(u64 top) { task_state_segment.rsp[0] = top; } struct StackFrame { StackFrame* next; u64 instruction; }; static void backtrace_impl(u64 base_pointer, void (*callback)(u64, void*), void* arg) { StackFrame* current_frame = (StackFrame*)base_pointer; while (current_frame && MemoryManager::validate_access(current_frame, sizeof(*current_frame), MemoryManager::DEFAULT_ACCESS) && current_frame->instruction) { callback(current_frame->instruction, arg); current_frame = current_frame->next; } } void get_stack_trace(void (*callback)(u64, void*), void* arg) { u64 rbp; asm volatile("mov %%rbp, %0" : "=r"(rbp)); return backtrace_impl(rbp, callback, arg); } void print_stack_trace() { u64 rbp; int frame_index = 0; asm volatile("mov %%rbp, %0" : "=r"(rbp)); return backtrace_impl( rbp, [](u64 instruction, void* arg) { int* ptr = (int*)arg; kinfoln("#%d at %p", *ptr, (void*)instruction); (*ptr)++; }, &frame_index); } void get_stack_trace_at(Registers* regs, void (*callback)(u64, void*), void* arg) { callback(regs->rip, arg); return backtrace_impl(regs->rbp, callback, arg); } void print_stack_trace_at(Registers* regs) { int frame_index = 0; get_stack_trace_at( regs, [](u64 instruction, void* arg) { int* ptr = (int*)arg; kinfoln("#%d at %p", *ptr, (void*)instruction); (*ptr)++; }, &frame_index); } void pause() { asm volatile("pause"); } u16 get_processor_id() { unsigned int unused; unsigned int ebx = 0; __get_cpuid(1, &unused, &ebx, &unused, &unused); return (u16)(ebx >> 24); } bool register_interrupt(u8 interrupt, interrupt_handler_t handler, void* context) { if (irq_handlers[interrupt].function) return false; irq_handlers[interrupt] = { handler, context }; return true; } } // called by kernel_yield extern "C" void switch_task(Registers* regs) { Scheduler::switch_task(regs); }