#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int print_version() { char version[4096]; FILE* fp = fopen("/dev/version", "r"); if (!fp) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } size_t nread = fread(version, 4096, 1, fp); if (ferror(fp)) { perror("fread"); return 1; } version[nread] = 0; if (fclose(fp) < 0) { perror("fclose"); return 1; } printf("Your kernel version is %s\n\n", version); return 0; } int main() { if (getpid() != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "init should be started as PID 1\n"); return 1; } FILE* serial = fopen("/dev/serial", "r"); if (!serial) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } if (fputs("Hello from init!\n", serial) < 0) { perror("fputs"); return 1; } if (fclose(serial) < 0) { perror("fclose"); return 1; } printf("Welcome to Luna!\n"); printf("Running as PID %ld, PPID %ld\n\n", getpid(), getppid()); sleep(1); if (print_version()) return 1; sleep(2); const char* filename = "/sys/config"; printf("Opening %s for reading...\n", filename); FILE* config = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!config) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } if (fseek(config, 0, SEEK_END) < 0) { perror("fseek"); return 1; } long offset = ftell(config); if (offset < 0) { perror("ftell"); return 1; } printf("%s is %ld bytes long\n", filename, offset); rewind(config); char buf[4096]; size_t nread = fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, config); if (ferror(config)) { perror("fread"); } else { buf[nread] = 0; printf("Read %zd bytes\n\n", nread); printf("%s", buf); } if (fclose(config) < 0) { perror("fclose"); } printf("\n\nGot random number %d\n\n", rand()); sleep(2); printf("Press any key to restart.\n\n"); int stderr_fd = fileno(stderr); int new_stderr_fd = dup(stderr_fd); if (new_stderr_fd < 0) { perror("dup"); return 1; } FILE* new_stderr = fdopen(new_stderr_fd, "rw"); if (!new_stderr) { perror("fdopen"); return 1; } fprintf(new_stderr, "Bye!\n\n"); fclose(new_stderr); const char* pathname = "/etc"; printf("Creating directory %s\n", pathname); if (mkdir(pathname, 0) < 0) { perror("mkdir"); return 1; } printf("Success!!\n"); printf("Forking...\n"); pid_t child = fork(); if (child < 0) { perror("fork"); return 1; } if (child == 0) { sleep(1); pid_t child = fork(); printf("I am the child (PID %ld), my parent is PID %ld!!\n", getpid(), getppid()); if (child) execv("/bin/sym", NULL); else execv("/bin/init", NULL); perror("execv"); return 1; } else { printf("Success!! Got PID %ld\n", child); } child = fork(); if (child < 0) { perror("fork"); return 1; } if (child == 0) { *(int*)(0xdeadbeef) = 1234; } int status; for (;;) { pid_t result; while ((result = wait(&status)) == 0) // No child has exited yet { msleep(100); } if (result < 0) { perror("wait"); return 1; } if (WIFEXITED(status)) { printf("Child process %ld exited with code %d\n", result, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } } }