#pragma once #include <luna/StringView.h> #include <luna/Vector.h> namespace os { class ArgumentParser { public: ArgumentParser(); void add_description(StringView description); Result<void> add_positional_argument(StringView& out, StringView name, bool required); Result<void> add_positional_argument(StringView& out, StringView name, StringView fallback); Result<void> add_switch_argument(bool& out, char short_flag, StringView long_flag, StringView help = {}); Result<void> add_value_argument(StringView& out, char short_flag, StringView long_flag, bool value_required, StringView help = {}); Result<void> add_value_argument(StringView& out, char short_flag, StringView long_flag, StringView fallback, StringView help = {}); Result<Vector<StringView>> parse(int argc, char* const* argv); struct ProgramInfo { StringView name; StringView version; StringView copyright; StringView license; StringView authors; StringView package; }; void add_program_info(ProgramInfo info); /* Used from programs that are part of the Luna source tree, to add the same version info for all programs. * Should not be used otherwise. */ void add_system_program_info(StringView name); private: struct PositionalArgument { StringView* out; StringView name; bool required; StringView fallback; }; struct SwitchArgument { bool* out; char short_flag; StringView long_flag; StringView help; }; struct ValueArgument { StringView* out; char short_flag; StringView long_flag; bool required; StringView fallback; StringView help; }; Result<void> usage(StringView program_name); void short_usage(StringView program_name); void version(); Vector<PositionalArgument> m_positional_args; Vector<SwitchArgument> m_switch_args; Vector<ValueArgument> m_value_args; ProgramInfo m_program_info; StringView m_description = {}; bool m_add_short_help_flag { false }; bool m_add_long_help_flag { false }; bool m_add_short_version_flag { false }; bool m_add_long_version_flag { false }; }; }