#ifndef _FCNTL_H
#define _FCNTL_H

/* Open for reading only. */
#define O_RDONLY 1
/* Open for writing only. */
#define O_WRONLY 2
/* Open for reading and writing. */
#define O_RDWR 3
/* Open without blocking. */
#define O_NONBLOCK 4
/* Close the opened file descriptor on a call to execve(). */
#define O_CLOEXEC 8
/* Refuse to open the file if it is not a directory. */
#define O_DIRECTORY 16
/* Truncate the file on open. */
#define O_TRUNC 32
/* Create the file if it doesn't exist. */
#define O_CREAT 64
/* Open the file for appending. */
#define O_APPEND 128
/* Fail to open the file if it already exists. */
#define O_EXCL 256

/* Duplicate a file descriptor. */
#define F_DUPFD 0
/* Is a file descriptor a TTY? */
#define F_ISTTY 1
/* Get the file descriptor flags. */
#define F_GETFD 2
/* Set the file descriptor flags. */
#define F_SETFD 3

/* Close the file descriptor on a call to execve(). */
#define FD_CLOEXEC 1

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

    /* Opens the file specified by pathname. Returns a file descriptor on success, or -1 on error. */
    int open(const char* pathname, int flags, ...);

    /* Performs an operation on the file descriptor fd determined by cmd. */
    int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ...);

#ifdef __cplusplus
