#define MODULE "initrd" #include "init/InitRD.h" #include "bootboot.h" #include "fs/VFS.h" #include "io/Serial.h" #include "log/Log.h" #include "memory/MemoryManager.h" #include "misc/utils.h" #include "std/stdlib.h" #include extern BOOTBOOT bootboot; static void* initrd_base; static bool initrd_initialized = false; static VFS::Node initrd_root; bool InitRD::is_initialized() { return initrd_initialized; } static inline uint64_t get_file_size_in_blocks(InitRD::File f) { return f.size_in_blocks; } inline uint64_t InitRD::get_total_blocks() { return bootboot.initrd_size / TAR_BLOCKSIZE; } inline InitRD::TarHeader* InitRD::get_block(uint64_t block_index) { return (TarHeader*)((uintptr_t)initrd_base + block_index * TAR_BLOCKSIZE); } inline bool InitRD::is_valid_header(TarHeader* header) { return strncmp(header->magic, TAR_MAGIC, 5) == 0; } uint64_t InitRD::get_file_physical_address(InitRD::File& file) { return (uint64_t)file.addr - (uint64_t)initrd_base + (uint64_t)bootboot.initrd_ptr; } InitRD::File InitRD::get_file(TarHeader* header) { File result; result.size = 0; memcpy(result.name, header->name, 100); int multiplier = 1; // why they decided to store the size as an octal-encoded string instead of an integer is beyond me for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i--) { result.size += (multiplier * (header->size[i] - 48)); multiplier *= 8; } result.addr = (void*)((uint64_t)header + TAR_BLOCKSIZE); result.size_in_blocks = Utilities::get_blocks_from_size(TAR_BLOCKSIZE, result.size); return result; } InitRD::File InitRD::open(const char* filename) { uint64_t block = 0; uint64_t total_blocks = get_total_blocks(); while (block < total_blocks) { TarHeader* hdr = (TarHeader*)get_block(block); if (hdr->typeflag == 53) { block++; continue; } if (!is_valid_header(hdr)) { block++; continue; } auto f = get_file(hdr); if (strncmp(hdr->name, filename, strlen(filename)) == 0) { return f; } block += get_file_size_in_blocks(f) + 1; } File nullFile; nullFile.addr = 0; nullFile.size = 0; memcpy(nullFile.name, "NULL", 5); return nullFile; } void InitRD::for_each(void (*callback)(File& f)) { uint64_t block = 0; uint64_t total_blocks = get_total_blocks(); while (block < total_blocks) { TarHeader* hdr = (TarHeader*)get_block(block); if (hdr->typeflag == 53) { block++; continue; } if (!is_valid_header(hdr)) { block++; continue; } auto f = get_file(hdr); block += get_file_size_in_blocks(f) + 1; callback(f); } } #define INITRD_MAX_FILES_IN_DIR 8 #define INITRD_MAX_FILES 32 namespace InitRD { struct Directory { char name[64]; int entries = 0; VFS::Node* files[INITRD_MAX_FILES_IN_DIR]; }; } void initrd_for_each_dir(void (*callback)(InitRD::Directory& f)) { uint64_t block = 0; uint64_t total_blocks = InitRD::get_total_blocks(); while (block < total_blocks) { InitRD::TarHeader* hdr = (InitRD::TarHeader*)InitRD::get_block(block); if (!InitRD::is_valid_header(hdr)) { block++; continue; } if (hdr->typeflag == 53) { InitRD::Directory dir; strncpy(dir.name, hdr->name, sizeof(dir.name)); callback(dir); block++; continue; } auto f = get_file(hdr); block += get_file_size_in_blocks(f) + 1; } } static InitRD::File files[32]; static uint32_t total_files = 0; static InitRD::Directory dirs[32]; static uint32_t total_dirs = 0; static VFS::Node nodes[63]; // One of the dirs is the initrd_root static uint32_t total_nodes = 0; ssize_t initrd_read(VFS::Node* node, size_t offset, size_t length, char* buffer) { if (!node) return -1; if (node->inode >= total_files) return -1; InitRD::File& file = files[node->inode]; if (offset > file.size) return -1; if (offset + length > file.size) { length = file.size - offset; } memcpy(buffer, (void*)((uintptr_t)file.addr + offset), length); return length; } VFS::Node* initrd_scan_dir(VFS::Node* node, const char* filename) { if (!node) return 0; if (node->inode >= total_dirs) return 0; InitRD::Directory dir = dirs[node->inode]; for (int i = 0; i < dir.entries; i++) { if (strncmp(dir.files[i]->name, filename, sizeof(VFS::Node::name)) == 0) { return dir.files[i]; } } return 0; } static bool initrd_register_dir(InitRD::Directory& dir, uint64_t inode) { const char* filename = dir.name; VFS::Node* current_node = &initrd_root; while (true) { while (*filename == '/') { filename++; } if (*filename == 0) { return false; } size_t path_section_size = 0; while (filename[path_section_size] && filename[path_section_size] != '/') { path_section_size++; } if (filename[path_section_size]) // We are in a '/' { char* buffer = (char*)kmalloc(path_section_size + 1); memcpy(buffer, filename, path_section_size); buffer[path_section_size] = 0; if (!current_node->find_func) { return false; } VFS::Node* child = current_node->find_func(current_node, buffer); if (!child) { return false; } current_node = child; kfree(buffer); } else { if (strncmp(filename, ".", path_section_size) != 0) // The current path section is not '.' { if (strncmp(filename, "..", path_section_size) == 0) { return false; } if (!current_node->find_func) { return false; } InitRD::Directory& parent = dirs[current_node->inode]; if (parent.entries == INITRD_MAX_FILES_IN_DIR) { return false; } char* buffer = (char*)kmalloc(path_section_size + 1); memcpy(buffer, filename, path_section_size); buffer[path_section_size] = 0; VFS::Node& node = nodes[total_nodes++]; node.inode = inode; node.find_func = initrd_scan_dir; node.length = 0; strncpy(node.name, buffer, sizeof(node.name)); strncpy(dir.name, buffer, sizeof(dir.name)); parent.files[parent.entries++] = &node; kfree(buffer); return true; } else { return false; } } filename += path_section_size; } } static bool initrd_register_file(InitRD::File& f, uint64_t inode) { const char* filename = f.name; VFS::Node* current_node = &initrd_root; while (true) { while (*filename == '/') { filename++; } if (*filename == 0) { return false; } size_t path_section_size = 0; while (filename[path_section_size] && filename[path_section_size] != '/') { path_section_size++; } if (filename[path_section_size]) // We are in a '/' { char* buffer = (char*)kmalloc(path_section_size + 1); memcpy(buffer, filename, path_section_size); buffer[path_section_size] = 0; if (!current_node->find_func) { return false; } VFS::Node* child = current_node->find_func(current_node, buffer); if (!child) { return false; } current_node = child; kfree(buffer); } else { if (strncmp(filename, ".", path_section_size) != 0) // The current path section is not '.' { if (strncmp(filename, "..", path_section_size) == 0) { return false; } if (!current_node->find_func) { return false; } InitRD::Directory& parent = dirs[current_node->inode]; if (parent.entries == INITRD_MAX_FILES_IN_DIR) { return false; } char* buffer = (char*)kmalloc(path_section_size + 1); memcpy(buffer, filename, path_section_size); buffer[path_section_size] = 0; VFS::Node& node = nodes[total_nodes++]; node.inode = inode; node.read_func = initrd_read; node.length = f.size; strncpy(node.name, buffer, sizeof(node.name)); strncpy(f.name, buffer, sizeof(f.name)); parent.files[parent.entries++] = &node; kfree(buffer); return true; } else { return false; } } filename += path_section_size; } } static void initrd_scan() { initrd_for_each_dir([](InitRD::Directory& dir) { if (total_dirs >= 32) return; uint64_t inode = total_dirs; if (initrd_register_dir(dir, inode)) dirs[total_dirs++] = dir; }); InitRD::for_each([](InitRD::File& f) { if (total_files >= 32) return; uint64_t inode = total_files; if (initrd_register_file(f, inode)) files[total_files++] = f; }); } static void initrd_initialize_root() { initrd_root.length = 0; initrd_root.inode = 0; InitRD::Directory& root = dirs[0]; total_dirs++; strncpy(initrd_root.name, "initrd", sizeof(initrd_root.name)); strncpy(root.name, "initrd", sizeof(root.name)); initrd_root.find_func = initrd_scan_dir; } void InitRD::init() { initrd_base = MemoryManager::get_unaligned_mappings((void*)bootboot.initrd_ptr, bootboot.initrd_size / PAGE_SIZE + 1); kdbgln("physical base at %lx, size %lx, mapped to %p", bootboot.initrd_ptr, bootboot.initrd_size, initrd_base); kdbgln("total blocks: %ld", get_total_blocks()); initrd_initialize_root(); initrd_scan(); VFS::mount_root(&initrd_root); initrd_initialized = true; }