/* time.h: Time management. */

#ifndef _TIME_H
#define _TIME_H

#include <bits/clockid.h>
#include <bits/struct_tm.h>
#include <bits/timespec.h>

typedef long int clock_t;

#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

    /* Get the current value of a system clock. */
    int clock_gettime(clockid_t id, struct timespec* ts);

    /* Get the current wall clock time. */
    time_t time(time_t* tp);

    /* Get the broken-down time representation of UNIX time, in local time. */
    struct tm* localtime(const time_t* tp);

    /* Get the broken-down time representation of UNIX time, in local time. */
    struct tm* localtime_r(const time_t* tp, struct tm* out);

    /* Get the broken-down time representation of UNIX time, in UTC time. */
    struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* tp);

    /* Get the broken-down time representation of UNIX time, in UTC time. */
    struct tm* gmtime_r(const time_t* tp, struct tm* out);

    /* Build a string representation of broken-down time. */
    char* asctime(const struct tm* tm);

    /* Build a string representation of broken-down time. */
    char* asctime_r(const struct tm* tm, char buf[26]);

    /* Build a string representation of UNIX time. */
    char* ctime(const time_t* tp);

    /* Build a string representation of UNIX time. */
    char* ctime_r(const time_t* tp, char buf[26]);

    /* Convert broken-down time back into UNIX time. */
    time_t mktime(struct tm* tm);

    /* Format a string representation of broken-down time using a format string. */
    size_t strftime(char* buf, size_t max, const char* format, const struct tm* tm);

    /* Return the difference in seconds between two times. */
    double difftime(time_t a, time_t b);

    /* Estimate the CPU time used by a process. */
    clock_t clock(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus
