apio cf897ebb78
kernel: Make pivot_root() reset the parent entry of the new root directory
Otherwise it would just be pointing to the old parent fs, and we don't want that.
2023-06-24 13:56:18 +02:00

275 lines
9.0 KiB

#include "fs/VFS.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "fs/Mount.h"
#include "thread/Thread.h"
#include <bits/modes.h>
#include <luna/PathParser.h>
#include <luna/Utf8.h>
namespace VFS
SharedPtr<VFS::Inode> g_root_inode = {};
Inode& root_inode()
return *g_root_inode;
static constexpr int MAX_SYMLINKS = 8;
Result<SharedPtr<Inode>> resolve_path_impl(const char* path, Credentials auth, SharedPtr<Inode> current_inode,
bool follow_last_symlink, int& symlinks_followed)
if (symlinks_followed >= MAX_SYMLINKS) return err(ELOOP);
if (*path == '\0') return err(ENOENT);
auto parser = TRY(PathParser::create(path));
SharedPtr<Inode> parent_inode = current_inode;
const char* section;
while (
if (!can_execute(current_inode, auth)) return err(EACCES);
current_inode = TRY(current_inode->find(section));
if (current_inode->type() == VFS::InodeType::Symlink && (follow_last_symlink || parser.has_next()))
auto link = TRY(current_inode->readlink());
SharedPtr<VFS::Inode> symlink_root;
if (PathParser::is_absolute(link.chars())) symlink_root = g_root_inode;
symlink_root = parent_inode;
current_inode = TRY(resolve_path_impl(link.chars(), auth, symlink_root, true, symlinks_followed));
parent_inode = current_inode;
return current_inode;
Result<SharedPtr<Inode>> resolve_path(const char* path, Credentials auth, SharedPtr<VFS::Inode> working_directory,
bool follow_last_symlink)
SharedPtr<Inode> current_inode;
if (PathParser::is_absolute(path) || !working_directory) current_inode = g_root_inode;
current_inode = working_directory;
int symlinks_followed = 0;
return resolve_path_impl(path, auth, current_inode, follow_last_symlink, symlinks_followed);
Result<SharedPtr<Inode>> create_directory(const char* path, Credentials auth, SharedPtr<Inode> working_directory)
auto parent_path = TRY(PathParser::dirname(path));
auto parent_inode = TRY(resolve_path(parent_path.chars(), auth, working_directory));
if (!can_write(parent_inode, auth)) return err(EACCES);
auto child_name = TRY(PathParser::basename(path));
return parent_inode->create_subdirectory(child_name.chars());
Result<SharedPtr<Inode>> create_file(const char* path, Credentials auth, SharedPtr<Inode> working_directory)
auto parent_path = TRY(PathParser::dirname(path));
auto parent_inode = TRY(resolve_path(parent_path.chars(), auth, working_directory));
if (!can_write(parent_inode, auth)) return err(EACCES);
auto child_name = TRY(PathParser::basename(path));
return parent_inode->create_file(child_name.chars());
Result<void> validate_filename(StringView name)
return {};
// Forbid problematic characters that could cause trouble in shell scripts and the like.
if (strpbrk(name.chars(), "*?:[]\"<>\\")) return err(EINVAL);
// Forbid filenames with leading spaces.
if (!name.is_empty() && name[0] == ' ') return err(EINVAL);
// Forbid filenames with trailing spaces.
if (!name.is_empty() && name[name.length() - 1] == ' ') return err(EINVAL);
for (const auto& c : name)
// Forbid filenames with control characters.
if (c < 32 || c == 127) return err(EINVAL);
// Forbid filenames that are not valid UTF-8.
Utf8StringDecoder decoder(name.chars());
// This will fail if the filename is invalid UTF-8.
return {};
bool can_execute(SharedPtr<Inode> inode, Credentials auth)
if (auth.euid == 0) return true;
if (inode->uid() == auth.euid) { return inode->mode() & S_IXUSR; }
if (inode->gid() == auth.egid) { return inode->mode() & S_IXGRP; }
return inode->mode() & S_IXOTH;
bool can_write(SharedPtr<Inode> inode, Credentials auth)
if (auth.euid == 0) return true;
if (inode->uid() == auth.euid) { return inode->mode() & S_IWUSR; }
if (inode->gid() == auth.egid) { return inode->mode() & S_IWGRP; }
return inode->mode() & S_IWOTH;
bool can_read(SharedPtr<Inode> inode, Credentials auth)
if (auth.euid == 0) return true;
if (inode->uid() == auth.euid) { return inode->mode() & S_IRUSR; }
if (inode->gid() == auth.egid) { return inode->mode() & S_IRGRP; }
return inode->mode() & S_IROTH;
bool is_setuid(SharedPtr<Inode> inode)
return inode->mode() & S_ISUID;
bool is_setgid(SharedPtr<Inode> inode)
return inode->mode() & S_ISGID;
bool is_sticky(SharedPtr<Inode> inode)
return inode->mode() & S_ISVTX;
bool is_seekable(SharedPtr<Inode> inode)
return inode->type() != InodeType::FIFO && inode->type() != InodeType::CharacterDevice;
Result<void> mount_root(SharedPtr<VFS::FileSystem> fs)
g_root_inode = TRY(MountInode::create({}, fs));
return {};
Result<void> pivot_root(const char* new_root, const char* put_old, SharedPtr<VFS::Inode> working_directory)
auto new_root_parent = TRY(PathParser::dirname(new_root));
auto new_root_path = TRY(PathParser::basename(new_root));
auto new_root_parent_inode = TRY(VFS::resolve_path(new_root_parent.chars(), Credentials {}, working_directory));
auto new_root_inode = TRY(new_root_parent_inode->find(new_root_path.chars()));
if (new_root_inode->type() != VFS::InodeType::Directory) return err(ENOTDIR);
if (!new_root_inode->is_mountpoint()) return err(EINVAL);
if (new_root_inode->fs() == g_root_inode->fs()) return err(EBUSY);
auto parent_path = TRY(PathParser::dirname(put_old));
auto child = TRY(PathParser::basename(put_old));
kdbgln("vfs: Pivoting root from / to %s, using %s as new root", put_old, new_root);
auto parent_inode = TRY(resolve_path(parent_path.chars(), Credentials {}, working_directory));
auto inode = TRY(parent_inode->find(child.chars()));
if (inode->type() != VFS::InodeType::Directory) return err(ENOTDIR);
if (inode->is_mountpoint()) return err(EBUSY);
if (inode->fs() != new_root_inode->fs()) return err(EINVAL);
auto mount = g_root_inode;
TRY(parent_inode->replace_entry(mount, child.chars()));
g_root_inode = new_root_inode;
TRY(new_root_parent_inode->replace_entry(((MountInode*)g_root_inode.ptr())->source(), new_root_path.chars()));
return {};
Result<void> mount(const char* path, SharedPtr<VFS::FileSystem> fs, Credentials auth,
SharedPtr<VFS::Inode> working_directory)
auto parent_path = TRY(PathParser::dirname(path));
auto child = TRY(PathParser::basename(path));
kinfoln("vfs: Mounting filesystem on target %s", path);
auto parent_inode = TRY(resolve_path(parent_path.chars(), auth, working_directory));
auto inode = TRY(parent_inode->find(child.chars()));
if (inode->type() != VFS::InodeType::Directory) return err(ENOTDIR);
if (inode->is_mountpoint()) return err(EBUSY);
auto mount = TRY(MountInode::create(inode, fs));
TRY(parent_inode->replace_entry(mount, child.chars()));
return {};
Result<void> umount(const char* path, Credentials auth, SharedPtr<VFS::Inode> working_directory)
auto parent_path = TRY(PathParser::dirname(path));
auto child = TRY(PathParser::basename(path));
if (child.view() == "/") return err(EBUSY);
kinfoln("vfs: Unmounting filesystem on target %s", path);
auto parent_inode = TRY(resolve_path(parent_path.chars(), auth, working_directory));
auto inode = TRY(parent_inode->find(child.chars()));
if (!inode->is_mountpoint()) return err(EINVAL);
// There are still open file descriptors referencing files within this file system.
if (inode->fs()->handles() != 0) return err(EBUSY);
auto mount = (MountInode*)inode.ptr();
TRY(parent_inode->replace_entry(mount->source(), child.chars()));
return {};