apio b63a8ff245
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
libluna: Move get_blocks_from_size to a new header and call it ceil_div instead
2023-08-08 11:58:33 +02:00

54 lines
1.5 KiB

#include "InitRD.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "arch/MMU.h"
#include "boot/bootboot.h"
#include "fs/VFS.h"
#include "memory/MemoryManager.h"
#include "thread/Thread.h"
#include <bits/modes.h>
#include <luna/Common.h>
TarStream g_initrd;
extern const BOOTBOOT bootboot;
void InitRD::initialize()
u64 virtual_initrd_address = MMU::translate_physical_address(bootboot.initrd_ptr);
g_initrd.initialize((void*)virtual_initrd_address, bootboot.initrd_size);
static Result<void> vfs_create_dir_if_not_exists(const char* path, mode_t mode)
auto rc = VFS::create_directory(path, mode & (mode_t)~S_IFMT, Credentials {});
if (rc.has_error())
if (rc.error() == EEXIST) return {};
return rc.release_error();
auto dir = rc.value();
return {};
Result<void> InitRD::populate_vfs()
TarStream::Entry entry;
while (TRY(g_initrd.read_next_entry(entry)))
if (entry.type == TarStream::EntryType::RegularFile)
auto file = TRY(VFS::create_file(, entry.mode & (mode_t)~S_IFMT, Credentials {}));
file->write(, 0, entry.size);
else if (entry.type == TarStream::EntryType::Directory)
TRY(vfs_create_dir_if_not_exists(, entry.mode));
// Now we don't need the original initrd anymore
MemoryManager::free_frames(bootboot.initrd_ptr, ceil_div(bootboot.initrd_size, ARCH_PAGE_SIZE));
return {};