This was caused because add_to_timer_queue() did not set active_clock when inserting a timer before the end, making disarm() a no-op. Therefore, the clock would continue to use the timer after it had been freed.
A simple POSIX-based operating system for personal computers, written in C++.
Another UNIX clone?
- x86_64-compatible lightweight kernel.
- Simple round-robin scheduler.
- Read-only ext2 filesystem.
- Can load ELF programs, shebang scripts or arbitrary binary formats (registered through kernel modules, which are not supported yet =D).
- C Library, aiming for POSIX compatibility, with many features such as local domain sockets, signals, and shared memory.
- Support for several third-party programs, including the GNU binutils suite of utilities.
- Designed to be portable, no need to be restricted to x86_64.
- Everything is designed around UTF-8.
- Environment-agnostic utility library, which can be used in both kernel and userspace.
- An extensive set of standard Unix utilities, from ls to uname to base64. Written in modern C++ and very small amounts of code, using Luna's practical OS library.
- A simple and efficient windowing system, providing a lightweight GUI environment (still in development, not many GUI apps exist).
To build and run Luna, you will need to build a cross-compiler and cross-binutils for x86_64-luna
For this, you should start by installing the required dependencies.
Then, run tools/
to build the toolchain.
Please beware that building GCC and Binutils can take some time, depending on your machine.
To run Luna in a virtual machine, you should have QEMU installed.
Additionally, the build process needs some extra dependencies to run: cmake
, ninja
, nasm
and genext2fs
is the script you should use in most cases. It will build changed files, install, make an ISO image, and run Luna in QEMU.
If you have no toolchain set up,
will build it automatically, which means that you don't necessarily have to run
does it for you.
Prebuilt images
Prebuilt ISO images (numbered) for every version can be found at
These images are built manually whenever a new release is created, and thus don't reflect the latest changes on the main
Every hour, this server pulls the latest commits on main
and builds an hourly ISO image. The ten most recent ones can be found in the hourly directory, and Luna-latest.iso should always be symlinked to the newest one.
These images do reflect the latest changes on the main
branch, but are obviously less stable. Additionally, an hourly image will be skipped if building the latest commit of the project fails.
Is there third-party software I can use on Luna?
Yes! A ports system is in place, and you can use the build scripts to add some ports to your image. More information in the Ports page.
Luna is open-source and free software under the BSD-2-Clause License.